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Being “Deeply Troubled”

With all the chaos going on this past week, a friend and I sat down to sit and pray over our country and its people last night. We headed to one of our favorite spots in the city, the Lincoln Memorial, weaved our way through tourists and selfie sticks, found a spot on the not-so-pretty side of the building and talked about this not-so-pretty side of life.

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It’s been a week of chaos and tragedy. Alton Sterling shot dead by an officer, Philando Castile killed in front of his loved ones, officers targeted and killed for the wrongdoings of others. President Obama addressed the nation thursday and said, “All Americans should be deeply troubled” by the horrific events of this week. My friend and I tried to piece it together–what was happening to the world we lived in, where we fit into the mess.
We did all we knew we could do: we turned to the Lord, and this is a little glimpse of what we prayed over:

We reminded ourselves how we got here.

ISAIAH 59:14-15

that we would remember this truth: that is was by the fault and sin of man that we have smeared this perfect world that God has gifted us with

PSALM 33:4-5

that we would remember that He is good in and of himself, and all that is good and righteous is His

We continued to seek our roles in the pursuit of justice.

PSALM 146:5-9

that we may seek justice where it has been stolen and obscured

that we may begin where we are, in serving and loving one another as brothers and sisters in Christ

We prayed over our political, official, and de facto leaders, that they may work for the Glory of God and for the protection of the people who have trusted them so.


that those with power may not forget the weight of their responsibilities to their people

that they may act with strength and swiftness in shaping the discourse of this nation

We set out to humble ourselves and lay our troubles at the foot of the cross.


that we begin to fathom how small a request it is that we have been called to serve the Lord and to simply love one another, when Jesus gave all He had and was for the lasting sake of our souls

We looked forward with hope.

ISAIAH 30:18 // PSALM 140:13

that we would wait with full faith in the Lord, knowing He is sovereign and good

And we did our best to steady our souls as we prepared for a new week.

JOHN 14:27

that we would look to the Lord and not to this earth, for He has given us every reason not to fear

I pray that this finds you where you are, in mourning, confusion, anger, or some muddled mix of all three. Let us rely on the Lord and all He is: good, sovereign, and much more just than this world of ours will ever be.


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