
Who is this Alice chick anyways?

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Hi friends!

My name is Alice and this is my home on the inter webs. Come on in and make yourself cozy!

If you’re wondering who I am or why this blog exists, keep on scrolling!

Like I said (wrote?), I’m Alice. I’m 19 and about to start my senior year at the University of Maryland, College Park, finishing up my B.A. studying Journalism, Spanish, and Law. ¿Hay algunos lectores hispanohablantes alli?

That brings me to another point–no, Alice isn’t my real name. I’m so ready to jump in and be vulnerable and open with you all, but as a journalist I’m subject to daily google searches and lots of scrutiny from employers who wouldn’t be too happy if my faith bled onto the pages of their publications. But, here, here, sweet friends, faith is gonna pour out, abundant and beautiful! So I hope you understand! Also, some of my favorite people and authors, past and present, use pen names–J.K. Rowling, Ben Franklin, Elizabeth Cochrane, to name a few–and I really like the idea of being in that not-so-secret little club with all of them!

I started this blog because God was really pressing on my heart, over and over again, swirling words around in my brain and telling me I should share them. At least, I think that’s what He’s been telling me. I’m not a theologian or an expert by any means, but I’m walking with Christ and honestly stumbling a lot along the way. I just hope that as I put these experiences and lessons out there, someone will realize they’re not alone! I’m living such an imperfect life. It’s screwed up. Immensely. But that’s the walk! It’s learning and loving and living alongside others and I hope I can start to live alongside all of you in this way.

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you,

for my power is made perfect in weakness.’

2 Corinthians 12:9

A little more about me–I know this is getting long! I love reading, writing, running, singing even though I’m awful at it, and a good portion of my best friends have four legs and live in stables. I am absolutely obsessed with Disney and can quote FRIENDS like it’s my job. Last thing: I love talking to and meeting new people, so shoot me a message! You can email me at awalice19@gmail.com, drop a comment here, or reach out to me on Insta @a.w.alice

Bye for now, beautiful!

Alice 🌻